Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Worst blogger ever!

Yup, I warned you all that I may not be good at this but I think now it's official I am probably the worst blogger ever! Since the last time I posted about my life so much has happened...not really. The first few months back from summer break I spent job hunting and job hunting and when I got tired of that I did some more job hunting. Well move over little engine that could there is a new success story coming through! I finally found a job through a technology specific temp agency; they coordinated my interview process and before I knew it I had a contract with Boeing. Even though the job is in Denver, which means commuting alongside the crazy Colorado drivers, I could not be more grateful for the opportunity. To be honest with you folks, the only other big thing that has happened since signing that w-4 is that Stephen received his job assignment for after graduation. He is going to be a cyberspace officer! This means we will be spending the first 6 months (approximately) of our marriage in Biloxi, MS while he attends undergraduate cyber training (UCT).

Well I guess that's all for now folks! There is probably stuff that I forgot but since I'm a terrible blogger who knows what happened in my life in the past few months ��  I will try better!!!

Stay freeh!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

OkI know what you're thinking "it's not New Years!" and you'd be right. But everytime I spend the summer at home and then return to Colorado for year it seems more like the beginning of my new year than January 1st. I'm sure it's because I'm still on the "academic year" schedule but I think there is something very defining about the long road trip west. Anyways, this year I've decided to embrace that "New Year" feeling and make some resolutions to myself and call me crazy but I'm hoping if I put them out there for all of you to read then maybe I will be forced to stick to them!

  1.  Get in Shape!! I know this is so typical but this is less about purely losing lbs and more about getting to a place where I am happy with my body. Don't get me wrong this resolution is not fueled by some inner self-loathing I just want to go on my honeymoon wear that two-piece and not be worried that everyone is wondering who let me step out of the room wearing it :P
  2. Start my Career. It is probably one of the scariest things I've had to do in my life but I am so ready to dive into the rabbit hole that is this resolution and hopefully not get my ass-kicked (or something like that)
  3. Be more Social. I've never been an outcast or the friendless girl in the corner crying into her punch but deep down I know I'm more intro- than extroverted. Keeping up with friends and putting myself out there to make new ones is difficult but I'm hoping I can force myself to make these connections while I have a chance.

I'm sure more goals for the year will come up but I think that's enough psychiatry for one day.


Stay Freeh!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Catching up

Hello everyone!

It has been quite sometime since my last post, partly because it has been a hectic month and partly because I'm PRETTY lazy. Since our last chat I have graduated from college, attended the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) Ring Dance, attended a friend's wedding in Utah, driven cross-country to Georgia, and attended my own bridal shower. Busy Busy! But that is no excuse for my lack of writing. First I want to start by giving a shout out to my friend Jessie who just married her fiance Stephen and who is now on her honeymoon having a fantastic time. Her reception was beautiful and I wish her every happiness in the world. I also want to start out by saying I am so very VERY glad that I didn't have to deal with Stephen and I graduating at the same time and getting married right after. Even though we will have the wedding after his graduation next year it was still really nice to have time to celebrate something that was purely about my accomplishment. I was so incredibly happy to have my family with me as I celebrated that event! Unfortunately they had to rush their visit short since Ring Dance was 3 hours after my graduation. Although we chose not to rent a cabin and party the entire weekend after Ring Dance (the typical custom) we had an excellent time relaxing with friends and simply spending time together. The week after Ring Dance Kayla and I drove to Jessie's wedding in Utah and then road tripped to Georgia together. We spent the week visiting some of my favorite things in the area and as a bonus she got to be in town for my bridal shower. Which by the way, was amazing! I can't even begin to describe how grateful I am to the wonderful people in my life who made me feel so special and loved that day. Sorry guys you will have to check facebook for pictures since a month-long of events is probably 400 pictures in my world. :) I promise to keep everyone much more updated in the upcoming months. 

P.S.- I apologize for the weird highlighting sometimes technology and I don't get along.
   Stay Freeh!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Running and Me

This weekend Stephen ran his first marathon!! *Applause* It was the Falcon 50 race at the Air Force Academy and it was probably one of he most grueling courses possible. I can't even describe how proud of 
Stephen approaching the finish line!!
Jessie and I cheering on our Stephen's 
him I am! But I didn't make this post to rave about my wonderful fiance I wanted to talk about my relationship with running. Sports in general and I have never gotten along, I was the kid who sat down in the outfield and picked grass and also the one who was more interested in the cute teenage coach but this year I have run a total of 3 5 kilometer runs. 3! Even though I am not here to say that I have reformed my lazy ways and now I am an avid runner I will say that I feel good about myself knowing that this is something I never thought I would be able to do at altitude. I don't have any goals to start running marathons or even do one (that is about 20 miles too long for me) but I think with the support of my friends I might be up for a longer distance and no matter what I am definitely going to continue to run more 5k's. This may not really be one of my more entertaining posts but I really wanted to share with you all my runner's pride.                                

Dirty girl mud run
5k at St. Patrick's day

Stay, Freeh!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Loving a cadet

Dear USAFA Significant Others,
I want to dedicate this post to all the other USAFA girlfriends, fiances, and wives. Ya'll are fantastic! When it comes to meeting new people I tend to be somewhat of an introvert but these ladies are so friendly, open, and inviting that it is hard to feel anything but perfectly comfortable with them. This past Tuesday I went to a local Mexican restaurant and had dinner with 8 lovely women who live in Colorado and are "cursed" with loving a cadet ;) It really is amazing to have a community that you can reach out to who knows the unique problems that can be associated with being involved
Amanda Fonda's 2013
with a cadet. On Tuesday we decided that we would all meet up on Saturday and surprise our cadets by bringing them along without telling them it was a giant group date. We all met up for barbecue and forced our cadets to mingle which I think was actually a huge success considering how socially awkward some cadets can be. Anyways, after this week I was really reminded how amazing these ladies are and just how many good friends I have made throughout the past three years. As tough as dating a cadet can be I'm so glad it has given me the opportunities it has and I hope I can make many more throughout our time in the Air Force.

Acceptance day weekend 2010

parent's weekend 2010

Birthday Ball 2010
Football season 2010
recognition 2011
Founder's day parade 2011
Girlfriend meet up 2011

Stay Freeh!

parent's weekend 2011

send off for USAFA wife 2012

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dirty Girls

There doesn't seem like a good place to start so I will just jump right into it! This past weekend was a zoo! Saturday morning I ran a 5k, called the "Dirty Girl Mud Run", with my roommate Kayla and my good friend Jessie. It was absolutely freezing and it took us over an hour but I had an amazing time! 
Jessie, Kayla, and me in one of the numerous mud obstacles. Our team name is 
 Afterwards Jessie and I had an hour to drive to her house, get showered, change, and drive up to UCCS to present our research project "The Impact of Democracy on Industry in Post-Communist Russia". Jessie and I are taking an upper level remote sensing class where all we do is work on a research project of our choosing for the whole semester and hopefully at the end of the year we will be able to publish our findings! 
This is me in front of our poster at mountain lion research day.
After answering questions and explaining what we are studying for an hour I went home and took a much needed nap! The goobers (Stephen and his friends) went to dinner while Kayla and I attended Jessie's bridal shower. Yey! You're getting married!! After the crazy busy Saturday, Sunday was fairly relaxed. I'm not sure what I'm doing so if you constructive criticism feel free to let me know! Well, I'm glad I got my first post done now that it is almost the end of the week :P Talk to you soon!     
                  Stay Freeh!